Sugar Equipment for


Hydrotrac HT03 Probe: Microwave Precision

The Fives Cail-KCP Hydrotrac HT03 Probe offers an extensive range of functionalities for large-volume measurements. With single-sensor electronics, low sensitivity to scaling, and robust construction, this microwave probe ensures high-precision measurements. Rely on its adaptability to various massecuite purities and Brix levels.

Monotrac Probe: Automated Brix Control

Enhance Brix control in batch and continuous vacuum pans with the Fives Cail-KCP Monotrac Probe. This automated solution offers precise control, ensuring efficient sugar production. Benefit from its robust construction and low-maintenance design for seamless integration into your sugar manufacturing process.

Optimize Your Operations with Fives Cail

Unlock efficiency with our cutting-edge solutions. Get a personalized estimate for your industry needs and elevate your performance.

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+91 44 6612 8824
+91 44 6612 8849
+91 44 6612 8823
+91 44 6612 8867